Cool Things for Interiors by Simone Micheli

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In 1935 W. Benjamin wrote "In the age of technical reproducibility the work of art loses its sacral aura”.

The great changes that happened during that period in history period gave birth to deep evolution in the human possibility of expression, especially bearing in mind the new tools that the modern world offers .
Developping industries and social media promote the serial reproducibility of an area which, after the first ugly attempts to imitate the glorious past, turned it's attention towards beauty.

Since then, the border between art and design became more enigmatic and less clear. Contemporary history of art is full of material concreteness and presence of objects, that of design is characterized by unique works, born from the mutual dislike of serial production.

From the 5th to 10th of December, the Architect Simone Micheli held an exhibition at Carré Doré which aimed to expose these principles and, taking the contemporary design concept past it's limits, to offer a different vision of it. He expressed the contrast between art and design with a peculiar and detailed selection of paradigmatic works. Different unique objects signed by Simone Micheli himself will brighten the visual show.